Unfortunately, due to external factors, no or very limited system emails are sent. These include:

  • the mail to activate your account (see workaround below)
  • the mail to reset your password (see workaround below) 
  • the mail to replace your email address
  • mail you receive after the rejection of advertisement changes

We are working hard to solve the problems, unfortunately we can't indicate when the problems will be solved. 


The mail to activate your account

If you have a new account and you need to verify the e-mail you can send us an e-mail message support@kinky.nl from the e-mail address connected to your account so we can verify your new e-mail manually. 

The mail to reset your password

If you want to change your password send us an e-mail message support@kinky.nl from the e-mail address connected to your account so we can give you a new password.