We want the advertisements on Kinky to be as reliable as possible.
We do this verification if there are doubts as to whether you are 21 years of age or older or because we doubt the authenticity of the advertisement.

How does ID verification work?
We ask you to upload four photos and enter information.

Please note, these photos will not be public and will not be visible with the advertisement.

  • Photo 1
    Upload a photo of your ID card with the following data clearly visible:
    • - photo
    • - date of birth
    • - validity of your id
    • - the id number
      All other data must be removed to protect your privacy. For more information click here

  • Photo 2
    Upload a photo of yourself where you hold your ID card next to your face, on which your face and ID card are clearly visible. 
  • Photo 3
    Upload a clear photo of yourself so that we can determine that you are actually staying in the Netherlands or Belgium at the moment. We ask you to take a photo of yourself with a Dutch or Belgian newspaper or receipt (not older than 1 week) on which the date is clearly visible.
  • Photo 4
    Upload a clear photo where you are fully visible. You must NOT edit this photo and your body must be visible at least up to your waist.

After you have placed the photos, we ask you to enter the document number and your birth number.
Once you have sent this information, the moderation team will process it as quickly as possible and you will be notified.

TIP! Use the APP of the central government KopieID where you can add a watermark yourself and remove unnecessary information.

Please note, these photos will not be public and will not be visible with the advertisement.