On 1 november 2023 we've introduced the Two Factor Authentication (2FA) method to increase the safety of your account. With the 2FA we aim to realize that only you can gain access to your account. 

This is how it works:

  1. When you login with your e-mail and password you are asked to submit the 2FA code. 
  2. This 2FA code is then automatically sent to the email address of your account. You can also send this code as an sms to the telephone number that is verified with your advertisement. 
  3. The 2FA code is valid for 5 minutes. 
  4. When you login with 2FA from a specific device, that device is now safe for 30 days. You can add multiple safe devices. 
  5. After 30 days of inactivity from a device you need to verify again with a new 2FA code.

In conclusion:

  • Login with your password: You can continue logging in with your email address and password like you are used to. 
  • Confirm it's you: After you login you need to put in the 2FA code. 
  • E-mail: You will receive an email with the 2FA code. Enter this code to login. 

The 2FA verification prohibits someone from taking over your account just by knowing your email and password. With the 2FA we try to decrease the amount of accounts being stolen (phishing) and you can remain in control of your own account!