We want the advertisements on Kinky to be as reliable as possible.
To increase the reliability of the photos that are placed with an advertisement, we ask for a person verification.

How does a person verification work?
We ask you to upload two unedited photos (no filters allowed!)

  • Photo 1
    Upload a clear photo of yourself so that we can determine that you are actually staying in the Netherlands or Belgium at the moment. We ask you to take a photo of yourself with a Dutch or Belgian newspaper or receipt (not older than 1 week) on which the date is clearly visible.

  • Photo 2
    Upload a clear photo where you are fully visible. You must NOT edit this photo and your body must be visible at least up to your waist.

Please note, these photos will not be public and will not be visible with the advertisement.

New verification every six months (180 days)

We ask for a new person verification every 180 days (six months). It is part of a new protocol to keep the site up to date so we can make sure all of the data is correct. You have seven days to submit the new person verification.