You can only fill in one place name/worklocation in your advertisement.
You do this by entering the zip code of the place where you are in the contact details. We determine the location based on the postcode.

Why only one place?

You can only be in one place at a time. You state where you are, and your customer can decide whether he wants to meet you.

Customers can fill in search fields to select an area.

What is allowed?

  • when you work in a red light disctrict you can fill in the area/your location
  • you can (must) change your zipcode when you work in another city. This will be changed in your advertisement without moderation.
  • when you work in different places you can mention this if the date is shown.
    Example; you work in The Hague on Monday, in Rotterdam on Wednesday and in Groningen on Friday? You can state that with the date.
  • indication of a maximum distance for escort is allowed 

What is not allowed?

  • mentioning place names in your name, title or text of your ad, except for your schedule as described above.
  • asummary of a row on place names in your text/

Tip, mentioning place names in your name, the title or the text of your advertisement is not permitted. If you do this, you risk rejecting your ad.